Traffic Logger
Traffic Logger is standalone device for traffic data collection with optional wireless module for centralized data retrieveng via GSM-data from multiple measurement points if wanted.
Part Number: Traffic Logger
Traffic Logger
Traffic Logger is standalone device and it can be used to collect vehicle data with speed, date and time information. Device is bi-directional, so it is possible to collect data from both directions with one device in two lane roads. Traffic Logger can record up to 100 000 speed samples with date, time and direction information.
Care free operation and data retrevial with wireless data transfer
Using optional wireless module with GSM data transfer, traffic detection and monitoring is made even easier. There is no need to collect modules or memory cards from the measurement location anymore. System can be programmed to send data automatically, after preset sample quantity is achieved. It is also possible to retrieve data when wanted. User can also operate and retrieve data from multiple measurement locations with the system