Viatronics SC100 Photo Radar
This all in one”smart” deviceprovides optimalimages in various operating environments.The built in software intelligence and hardwaremodules are based on 20 years experience in the field of OCR and ANPR camera technology.
Decatur SC100 Speed Camera
Quick and easy installation and setup process. This system can be used worldwide due to the proven high performance OCR engine. The applied world leader plate recognition technology covers over 200countries.
Professional ANPR camera is included withembedded PC to achieveexcellent quality images. Full processing - liketime stamp - is done inside the unit. Images,license plate texts, time and vehicle speed arestored in a database within the SpeedCAMmemory with easy access through a web-server.tries.
This all in one”smart” deviceprovides optimalimages in various operating environments.The built in software intelligence and hardwaremodules are based on 20 years experience in the field of OCR and ANPR camera technology.
The integrated high-power IR illuminator letsthe license plates clearly seen without anydisturbance of the driver.
Special IR pass filter applied to avoid commonproblems like sunlight reflections and glare orexposure due to car headlights.
The integrated speed measurement device(Doppler Radar) can detect cars up to 250km/h.
Optimal operation result is achieved up to 20meters depending on the specific environmentalconditions. Heavy duty outdoor construction(IP67), designed for 24/7/365 usage.